DESFIRE UID Manipulation Hex.Dec

To do the DESFIRE UID Manipulation to Hex.Dec, follow the steps entered below.

Insert the following Python script on the Functions Tab:

uid_decimal = uid_var
strDecimal = str(uid_decimal)
sizeOfUidDec = len(strDecimal)
numberOfChars = 8
uid_var_str_decimal = strDecimal[sizeOfUidDec-numberOfChars:sizeOfUidDec]
uid_var_hex = hex(uid_decimal)
strHex = "0x"
strHex = str(uid_var_hex)
strHex += strHex;
sizeOfUidHex = len(strHex)
uid_var_str_hex = "0x"
uid_var_str_hex += strHex[sizeOfUidHex-numberOfChars:sizeOfUidHex]

Preview of the card on Producer:

List of Variables:

NOTE: The 3 variables created, have the value of MIFARE DESFIRE UID.


Text boxes inserted on the card and his designation:





Final Result: