Using 3rd Party Fonts

CardExchange Producer and TrustID template designer offer the ability to use 3rd party fonts for greater customization of your card templates. Currently, .OTF fonts are fully supported, and .TTF fonts with limited support. The Template Designer will show you the full list of installed fonts it supports, including default systems fonts. If you are not able to use an installed 3rd party font, see our help article on the different ways you can attempt to use them in the Template Designer. 

Missing 3rd Party Fonts

Installing Fonts

Install the fonts how you normally would, find your font file and run it. This will present you a preview of the font and an option to install it.

CardExchange and TrustID will need to restart before the newly installed fonts will appear in the application.

Template Designer

After installing the font and opening the application, open the Template Designer and select the Text object you would like to change the font for. In the Properties window of the text object, select Text and look for the desired font: