Producer Help - Contactless Encoding)

CardExchange Solutions Documentation

Producer Help - Contactless Encoding)

In this section of the wizard you are defining your contactless encoding definitions.

You can create new ones, edit existing ones, or select definition files:

Do you want to enable contactless encoding?Select this option if you want to use CardExchange® Producer to encode contactless cards. Only available from the Business edition.
Do you want to put the card on the smart-card reader manually?Select this option if you have a external encoder. CardExchange® Producer will ask, after graphical personalization of the card, to put the card on the external reader before executing the next print job...
Do you want to read data from MIFARE® Classic?Select this option if you want to read information from a MIFARE® Classic card
Do you want to write data to MIFARE® Classic?Select this option if you want to write information to a MIFARE® Classic card.
Do you want to read and/or write from MIFARE® DESFire?Select this option if you want to use CardExchange® Producer to read and/or write from a MIFARE® DESFire card. Only available from the Enterprise edition.

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