Producer Help - Card Definition Wizard: Advanced Mappings

CardExchange Solutions Documentation

Producer Help - Card Definition Wizard: Advanced Mappings

At the left-hand side you see a navigator object with up to six tabs, depending on whether you are using the magnetic or contactless encoding options.

The tab Visible items shows all ordinary card objects that you have given a name to in CardExchange® Producer Designer. Visible items can be text fields, images or Barcodes. The card design of this example has named card items like Name, ID_Number, Barcode, etc.

Simply select the Tab of the Explorer on the left side to make the mappings available.

From the drop down menu, as indicated, you can select all types of Standard Object Types to map to the items in the Explorer on the left side. Most of the functionality is already available in the new Designer and these objects are linked to that separate section of the Help file.

Depending on the edition running, it offers Standard Object Types for: