Producer Help - Migrating Version 6 Layout(s)

CardExchange Solutions Documentation

Producer Help - Migrating Version 6 Layout(s)

Although CardExchange® Producer still supports version 6 templates we can imagine that you would like to use your old card-templates with the new Designer and take benefit of all the new functionality offered now. Because we can imagine that you do not want do redo all your existing version 6 card-templates, CardExchange® Producer offers functionality to migrate the old templates to the new version.

When selecting the Producer Help - Configuration tab, you can find the Migrate version 6 layout button. If this button is not shown, please see the "Producer Help - Advanced Options" section in this Help file and check the Show Migrate button or menu option in the Advanced Options window.

When the button is available, simply click on the Migrate version 6 layout button and the selected card-template (*.ced) will be migrated to the new version 7/8/9 format (*.cedx).

When the card template is migrated, the new template will be loaded and clearly marked as (migrated). You do not loose your original template!