CE Help - Advanced Options (Copy) (Copy)

CardExchange Solutions Documentation

CE Help - Advanced Options (Copy) (Copy)

In the Advanced options window you can set some specific settings for the CardExchange® Producer and TrustID applications:

Contactless encoding
PC/SC-protocolSelect the PC/SC protocol 1 or 2
Card disconnect dispositionsSelect Leave card, Reset card, Unpower card, Eject card
Reject duplicate UIDsReject cards where successive cards have the same UID
Database connections
Quote table and column namesSelect if quotes needs to be used (default). Not used with Cache DB
User version 7 designerIf unchecked, the old version 6 designer will be used for creating and editing cards
Show Migrate button or menuShows the Migrate version 6 layout button in the Configuration tab
Show advanced mappingsShows the Edit card-definition and Edit mappings button in the Configuration tab for using old version 6 templates
Maximum resolution DPISet the maximum resolution (Default 600DPI)
Evolis printers
Contactless positionTune the offset for the card under the contactless reader
Move commandSet the specific move command to be used. Differs for printers with contact
Fargo printers
Encoder positionSet the position for the contactless reader
Transport formatThis is the format that is used internally. Default is Jpeg because this is small and fast. You can also select bitmap (slower performance), and Handle (unsecured)
OLE-header lengthThis is the amount of bytes to remove from the OLE header for MS Access databases. Default 78 is when using an English MS Access version
Maximum image size (kB)

Set the maximum image size for images on the card design (Default 4096 kB)

Detail-editor widthSet the size of the detail-editor text boxes that in the database record pane (Default 150)
Manual-entry widthSet the size of the manual-entry text boxes (Default 150)
Nisca printers
Right side readerCheck this option if the contactless reader is located on the right side instead of at the top location
Service center
Show error messagesCheck this option to show error messages when content is not loaded in the publishing portal under the Assist tab
Zebra printers
Contactless positionTune the offset for the card under the contactless reader
Factory built-in contactless encoderSelect if the printer has a factory built-in encoder so the internal SDK will be used instead of escape commands
Multi USB PrinterCheck this option if you have multiple ZXP printers being used on the same PC, if any of the printers are busy then it will wait and then retry to communicate with the printer
Number of retriesWhen using multiple printers as above you can specify the number of retry attempts
Record list
Show item check boxesShow check boxes next to each record in the names list to allow them to be selected easily

If you want to use these settings for all loaded card-templates, make sure you check "Apply these settings to all loaded cards"

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