Producer Help - Activation & Registration

CardExchange Solutions Documentation

Producer Help - Activation & Registration

Activating CardExchange® Producer is very simple to do and only requires an internet connection.

When the application is installed on your system and you are running it for the first time, you will see the about window. Here you can select enable and then click on activate.

Even if you are using a trial version, you can directly activate it without any loss of data or configurations. This wizard is also used when you are upgrading from an edition to a higher edition.
You can always open the activation wizard by selecting "CardExchange® Producer Activation" from the Windows Start Menu or via the Assist tab in the main window and click on Activation window.

When you purchased your software, you received a serial number and activation code via email or printed on a label on the back of a DVD box or CD wallet. In this page of the wizard you need to enter this information. You can also find the Machine ID of your computer. The Machine ID is the digital fingerprint of your computer and is used to activate the license. You do not need to do anything with this Machine ID except if you are activating on a system without internet access.

You reseller or CardExchange Solutions can activate your license for you. You can also activate the license via our website using a computer that has internet access. Click HERE to visit the activation page of our website. To do so, you will have to send your license information and the Machine ID.

When the license is activated, you will receive a so called LIC file. You need to copy this LIC file to a location on the target system:

Click on the Advanced button and select the three dots button on the right to browse to the LIC file location. When you click on Activate the license will be installed on your computer. The only difference is that in situations where internet connection is available, contact is made with our license server to verify the license information and activate the license based on the same Machine ID.

The registration is a part of the Activation Wizard. In this section you simply provide all the requested information. The fax number is optional. When all is entered, proceed to the next page:

We offer you the possibility to try out the functionality of higher editions so you can see if there is functionality that you can use and test before purchasing the edition. You can get max 30 days of the higher edition functionality without limitations. If you want to check out other functionality, check this check box. You can also request to be contacted, by email or phone, with a preferred date. Don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter and keep up to date with the latest news. Click next to proceed to the final page:

LIC file activations have no need for internet connection. During the activation, a progress bar will indicated the time left before activated. When the activation is succeeded, you can click on Finish to close the activation process. When you activate for the first time, it will directly start after you click on Finish. If you are activating an upgrade, after clicking on Finish you will have to restart to make the license change effective.

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