Advanced Options

CardExchange Solutions Documentation

Advanced Options

In the Advanced options window you can set some specific settings for the PriceTag® application:


Database connections

Quote table and column names:

Select if quotes needs to be used (default). Not used with Cache DB


Show advanced mappings:

Shows the Edit card-definition and Edit mappings button in theConfiguration tab for using old version 6 templates

Maximum resolution (DPI):

Set the maximum resolution for images (Default is 600)


OLE-header length:

This is the amount of bytes to remove from the OLE header for MS Access databases. Default 78 is when using an English MS Access version

Maximum image size:

Set the maximum image size for images on the card design


Detail-editor width:

Set the default width for the database columns in the data edit window (Default is 200)

Service center

Show error messages:

Check this option to show error messages when content is not loaded in the service center window

If you want to use these settings for all loaded card-templates, make sure you check "Apply these settings to all loaded cards"

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