Producer Help - Update Database Records

CardExchange Solutions Documentation

Producer Help - Update Database Records

A database record can be updated in four steps:

  • Open the Database record window.
  • In the Data Record View, select the record you want to change.
  • Click on the field you want to change and change it. Instead of using the mouse, you can also press F2 to position the cursor on the first field that can be edited and use the Tab key to move to the desired field. The buttons Update and Cancel will be enabled as soon as you start typing.
  • Click on the Update button to load the data into the database, or on the Cancel button if you do not want that.

While updating a new record, all functions of the main window are disabled. These will be enabled as soon as the Update or Cancel button is clicked on. You can only update a database records if the administrator has given you permission to do so and if no more than one name has been selected in the name list.

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