Producer Help - Edit Data

CardExchange Solutions Documentation

Producer Help - Edit Data

The Database record window gives you direct access to the personal data stored in the database. Provided that the CardExchange® Producer administrator has given you permission to do so, you also can edit this data and add or remove records.

You can open the Database record window by selecting Database data in the Edit section of the Data tab. A dockable window will appear in the lower part of the main window. By clicking on the bar with the text Edit database record, you can dock the window to the upper part or to the sides. You can even turn it into an independent window by dragging it to a position away from the edges of the main window. Clicking on the pin will cause the window to minimize. Clicking on the cross will close the window.

On the left part of the docked window, there are five buttons for performing database operations. On the right part, all names and values of the database records that apply to the selected person are displayed. If you select another record, the Edit database record will load automatically the data associated with the selected record.

With the buttons, you can perform three types of database operations: Insert records, Update records, and Delete records. The following sections will describe these actions one by one.

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