Producer Help - Data-source Plug-in's

CardExchange Solutions Documentation

Producer Help - Data-source Plug-in's

To use data-source plug-in's you must have CardExchange® Producer Ultimate and you need an additional license for each specific plug-in, once you have this license you can activate it by following the steps under Upgrade Your License.

Below are the current available Data-source Plug-in's.


LDAPExchange allows for using LDAP (Active Directory) as a live data source for CardExchange® Producer.

Via LDAPExchange it is possible to view and edit LDAP entries in CardExchange® Producer, you can also update these entries at print time with data from other sources.

It is not possible to add or delete entries from LDAP via CardExchange® Producer.


Net2Exchange is a special database connector that allows for using an existing Paxton Access Net2 installation as a live data source for CardExchange® Producer.

Via Net2Exchange, it is possible to view and edit Net2 user data in CardExchange® Producer, view and manage each user’s cards and create a new card record in Net2 whenever a card is printed with CardExchange® Producer.

It is not possible to add or delete entries from Net2 via CardExchange® Producer.

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