Producer Help - Take Photos

CardExchange Solutions Documentation

Producer Help - Take Photos

When you have selected the correct card template and the correct record, you can add a photo of the person to the database, or, if you want, replace the existing photo. This function is accessible in the following ways.

  • Click Take photo button as indicated in red,
  • Press the F6 key.

After you have taken the photo, you will enter the Image Editor window of CardExchange® Producer, the ImageExchange®.

Please see the Using Image Tools section of this Help file for more information about using this ImageExchange® Image Editor.

If you click on the OK button, the photo will be automatically cropped and the Image Editor will be closed. If a photo was already available in the database, CardExchange® Producer asks whether you want to update it. If you click Cancel, the original photo will be restored on the print preview. You can disable this option in the Photo tab by unchecking the Use Image Tools check box.