Data Archive Options

CardExchange Solutions Documentation

Data Archive Options


To help in managing your credential database, we offer the ability to Archive records. The records that have been inactive for longer than the 90-day Grace Period, are eligible to be archived.

It should also be noted that Archived persons do not count toward your subscription record limit.



Archiving Persons

To Archive a person who has been inactive for longer than the Grace Period, select the record(s) that you would like to Archive, then press the Archive Selected button in the top right, indicated below.

This will open a message box asking if you are sure you would like to Archive the Selected Person Records. Click on Yes to Archive the Person, or click on No to cancel the archive operation, and return to the Archive Persons Overview.


Restore and Delete

Previously archived records can be Restored, or fully deleted from the system in the Restore and Delete section of Data Archival.

To restore a previously Archived person, select the record(s) that you would like to Restore, then press the Restore Selected button in the top right, indicated below.

This will open a message box asking if you are sure you would like to Restore the Selected Person Records. Click on Yes to Restore the Person, or click on No to cancel the Restore operation, and return to the Restore Persons Overview.

To Delete a previously Archived person, select the record(s) that you would like to Delete, then press the Delete Selected button in the top right, indicated below.

This will open a message box asking if you are sure you would like to Delete the Selected Person Records. Click on Yes to Delete the Person, or click on No to cancel the Delete operation, and return to the Restore Persons Overview.

Do note that when you Delete a Person record, the record will no longer be recoverable and all data is lost.