Person Details

CardExchange Solutions Documentation

Person Details

Person Details

When you click on a record from the People overview screen, you are taken to the Person details screen, where all the data associated with the person is displayed and can be managed.


Photo Management

In the top left of the screen, you will see the person’s current photo. Photo management options are available using the buttons next to the profile picture:

  • Capture - Camera Icon: Capture a new photo using an attached webcam.

  • Upload - Folder Icon: Upload a new photo from your computer.

  • Photo History - Clock Icon: View the photo history, allowing you to revert to previous photos if needed.


Capture Photo Button


Upload Photo Button



Photo History Button


Controller offers a Photo Approval feature that ensures photos and documents uploaded to a person's record are reviewed before being applied. When this feature is enabled:

  • Any photos or documents uploaded to a person’s record are sent to the Photo Approval section.

  • These uploads must be approved by an operator before being released and visible to the cardholder.

For more detailed information on how to use the Photo Approval feature and the approval process, refer to the Photo Approval section.

Viewing and Editing Person Information

At the top right of the screen, there are several options for managing the person's record:

  • View History: The Clock Icon displays the record’s change history, showing the modification date and the user who made the changes.

  • Refresh Data: The Refresh button reloads the data on the screen.

  • Edit: Select this option to modify the person’s details, including their address and profile information. For more information on Editing Person Details, see Editing a Person for more information.


Record History Button



Refresh Data Button



Person Detail Options


Blocking and Unblocking a Person

  • Block Person: If the person is active, this option will block them, setting all their active credentials and profiles to a blocked state.

  • Unblock Person: If the person is already blocked, this option will unblock them, restoring their credentials and profiles.

Block Person
Unblock Person

Assigning Temporary Credentials

  • Attach Temporary Credential: Use this option to issue a temporary credential to the person, selecting from the available credentials.



Managing Signatures and ID Documents

Signature and ID document management is available through the three dots menu:

  • Manage Signature: If the person has a captured or uploaded signature (available with a Stand subscription), this option allows you to edit the crop or orientation of the signature.

  • Manage Document: If an ID document has been uploaded, you can edit the crop or delete the document using this option.

Manage Signature Option


Signature History


Document History



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