Print Using Standard Printer

CardExchange Solutions Documentation

Print Using Standard Printer

There are three ways to print a card to the standard printer.

Click the Print button in the Standard printer section of the Home tab,

Select the Print option in the Actions Pane or

Press Ctrl+P on your keyboard

If you use the print option in the Actions Pane, PriceTag® will start printing directly, using the default settings. Otherwise, PriceTag® displays the window shown below.


In the Selected printer group you can find the information of the printer you are printing too like the Name of the printer, the Status of the printer, Type, etc.

Just like in normal Microsoft Office Applications, in the Print range group you can set to print the Selected record, All records, or a selection of Records. The Number of selected records is indicated in this named field.

Next to the name, the button Properties... gives access to the printer-properties window, allowing to adjust any settings before starting to print. Generally, it is not necessary to change the printer properties once they have been defined for the first time.

In the Copies group you can enter or select the amount of copies that needs to be printed. By default PriceTag® prints one copy.

If the card uses a global counter, in the Global counter group you can see the number indicating the global counter number that will be used for the first card to be printed. For each consecutive card the global counter will be incremented by one. The global counter can be edited to change this number to another value. It is up to the user to decide whether changing the default value is necessary.

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