CardExchange Solutions Documentation

Variable Image Object

PriceCardPro® offers a unique feature that allows you to switch images based on a value from the connected database.


The process for adding the Variable Image is exactly the same as explained in the "Using Images" section of this Help file.

Select Variable image from the object drop down box and the Select database column drop down box will become available. If you select a field that contains a text or number value from the connected database, the system will automatically make it a 'Point to image file' connection. It can also that your database contains the complete reference to image file locations if that is the case, please leave the Image folder location empty and set the file extension to 'Extension included in source value'.

The image folder location can be entered directly as it can also be selected by clicking on the Using_Objects_Using_Images_Using_Photos_Browse button. Select the file extension of the image, we currently support bmp, png, gif, tif, tiff, jpg and jpeg files.

You can also set the format of the value coming from the database you know for sure there is no mismatch.

If the database contains the image data and you have selected the image column, the 'Point-to-file options' section will be disabled.

PriceTag® contains a large number of images that you can use on your designs, these include product images as well as those for allergens and other product marking.

These can be found in the root of the Data folder, which by default is located here: C:\Users\Public\Documents\PriceTag\Data\Images\

Check for more options like colors, borders, visibility, etc., the Properties section of this Help file.