Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Known Affected Applications: CardExchange Producer (All Editions), Trust IDv4 (All Editions)Image Removed


Potential Cause of Error

There can be several reasons why this error occurs:

  • After doing multiple print jobs your computer memory can fill up to its maximum amount.

    • This can be observable by watching the memory usage in the Task Manager as you continue to add on print jobs. The application can sometimes have difficulty releasing memory after finishing the print.

  • The Card template you are trying to print contains large files or images not necessary for the print job. 

    • A card template should be between 1-2 Megabytes in size. Any images over 2-3 megabytes applied directly to the card expand in size and will fill up your computer memory very quickly, and make CardExchange/TrustIDv4 slow, or unresponsive. 

    • We recommend using the Point to file option for photos and logo rather than having a fixed image applied directly to the template. This way it is reading information from the computer rather than reading from the template.

  • Images in a temp directory that are stored could also be a cause of an issue

    • C:\ProgramData\CardExchange Solutions may contain multiple folders which can be inspected for error logs, or fully removed before the application starts again.


Closing the program will release all memory used. Ensure that CardExchange/TrustIDv4 is not still running in the processes of the Task Manager. If they are, select the program and click End Task. Close any other programs that are using a large amount of memory as well.
