Below are some of the potential error messages that you may receive with the Print Server:
If you are using an older legacy version of our software, then you will need to download the correct version from the bottom of our downloads legacy installers page: https://cardexchangesolutionscardexchange.comsupport/support-centerresource/downloads/legacy-newinstallers
Database error:
If you are experiencing an error such as the ones above, this is indicating that the computer that the Print Server is installed on cannot access the database that is attached to that Card Design.
By default the Data directory is set to C:\Users\Public\Documents\CardExchange\Data\. You can copy the data directory from the other computer into the correct location on the remote Print Server computer.
NOTE: If you only copy the data directory, and do not have a share setup, then if you make changes to your card design, you will need to make sure to update the data directory on the remote print server computer as well. If you do not, then it will print an old copy of the card design.
You could also share the data directory between the two machines. We have a guide that discusses making these changes here: Producer Help - Configure Shared Folders
This error can be resolved by following this guide: The underlying provider failed to open. unable to open database file - Error on Startup