Read Only mode and the lock.xml file

Read Only mode and the lock.xml file

Overview of Read-Only Mode and lock.xml

The application can operate in a "Read-Only" mode, which restricts users from modifying configuration settings. This mode is controlled by the presence of a lock.xml file. The file is created and configured through the Data Folder Sharing options under the Configuration ribbon menu, or when a client connects to the data folder.

When Read-Only mode is enabled, the Configuration tab is locked, preventing modifications to:

  • Card templates: Users cannot create, edit, or delete card templates.

  • Database connections: Users are restricted from modifying or adding new database connections.

Locking Options and lock.xml Creation

The Locking dialog box in the Data Folder Sharing options allows users to define how the data folder is locked. This functionality helps manage access to the shared data folder across multiple users or sessions and creates or modifies the lock.xml file in the data folder:

Default file location:

C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\CardExchange\Data

Enable Locking of the Data Directory

  • When Enable locking of the data directory is checked, a lock.xml file is generated or updated. This file enforces Read-Only mode, restricting modifications to the data folder unless specific locking criteria are met.

  • If unchecked, no locking is applied, and no lock.xml file is created.

Locking Criteria

These options are available when locking is enabled and define how restrictive the locking mechanism is:

  • Lock to the current CardExchange® Producer user: Restricts configuration access to the specific application user (e.g., CardExchangeUser key in lock.xml).

  • Lock to the current computer: Restricts access to the current machine (e.g., Computer key in lock.xml).

  • Lock to the current Windows user: Restricts access based on the current Windows account (e.g., WindowsUser key in lock.xml).

How lock.xml Controls Read-Only Mode

The lock.xml file determines whether the application starts in Read-Only mode. Below are key settings within the file:

Key Settings in lock.xml

  • Locked key:

    • "True": Activates Read-Only mode, locking the Configuration tab.

    • "False": Unlocks the Configuration tab, allowing full access to settings.

  • Active key:

    • "True": Confirms that Read-Only mode is active.

    • "False": Disables Read-Only mode, though the Locked key must still be checked.

  • CardExchangeUser key: Specifies the user profile under which the Read-Only mode is enforced.

  • Computer key: Specifies the machine name for machine-specific locking.

  • WindowsUser key: Specifies the Windows user account tied to the Read-Only mode.

Removing Read-Only Mode

To disable Read-Only mode, you can either delete the lock.xml file or manually modify its contents. Setting both the Locked and Active keys to "False" will also disable the lock.

Steps to Disable Read-Only Mode:

  1. Navigate to the following folder:

    C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\CardExchange\Data
  2. Decide on the following actions:

    • Delete the lock.xml file, or

    • Edit the lock.xml file and set the Locked and Active values to "False".

  3. Restart the application. The Configuration tab should now be unlocked, allowing modifications to card templates and database connections.

Important Considerations

  • Ensure you have proper permissions to delete or modify files in the Data folder.

  • Deleting or modifying lock.xml could affect other users or system-wide configurations, particularly if locking was configured to be machine- or user-specific.


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