Setup DB Connection


In order to connect to a Database using Producer, please refer to the steps bellow.

1.Open Producer and Start the Create-a-Card Wizard:

  • Launch Producer, and the Create-a-Card Wizard will appear.

  • Enter a name for your Template and assign it to a group (if needed), then click Next.

2.Template Creation:

  • In the next window, select the 1st option to streamline the template creation process.

  • Choose the Orientation (portrait/landscape) and Sides (single/double) for the template, then click Next.

3.Connect to a Database:

  • A wizard to connect to a database will appear.

  • Select the highlighted option and double-click on Add a New Database.

4.Database Connection Wizard:

The Database Connection Wizard will launch. Follow these steps:

  • Enter a name for the Connection.

  • Select the Database Type and provide the path to the database server.

  • Under the Database tab, enter the name of the database you wish to connect to.

  • After providing the connection details, click Next.

5.Select Database Table and Configure Fields:

  • Choose the Database Table and select its Primary Key.

6.Specify which fields you want displayed under the Records tab, then click Next.

7.Enable Editing (Optional):

  • If you want to allow editing of database records, check the relevant option on this page.

8.Data Columns Settings (Optional):

  • Configure any specific settings for individual columns (optional), or click Next to proceed.

9.Final Page - Configure Storage Item (Optional):

  • On the final page, configure a Storage Item if needed. This is used to send specific values to the database at certain times (e.g., sending the UID of a card after printing).

Example: Use this feature to associate a unique identifier (UID) with a card once it’s printed.