Visitor Help - Biometrics

CardExchange Solutions Documentation

Visitor Help - Biometrics

IMPORTANT! Biometrics are supported starting from Business and higher editions!

We offer the option to save biometric data per Visitor record which allows for fast check-in via the Biometrics search function. You can see a full list of our supported biometric devices here: Supported Biometric Devices

Biometric Options

In the Biometric options, you can choose either Digital Persona or Topaz devices depending on the hardware you have.

Enroll Biometrics

When clicking on enroll Biometric you will be prompted to place finger on the reader, once scanned you can click on ok to proceed.

Biometric Search

When clicking on Biometric search you will be prompted to place finger on the reader, after a successful read it will attempt to look up the matching record from the database. If sound the record will be displayed.

If no matching record is found the below message is shown, you can then proceed to enroll the new visitor if you wish using the enroll biometric option.

Remove Biometrics

If required, you can also remove the stored biometric template from the database.

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