CardExchange Solutions Documentation

Visitor Home Tab - Visitor Groups

Visitor groups can be created so that visitors within a group can be managed together.
When used with the Group filter from the Filters section, the status of all visitors within that group can easily be seen in the main CardExchange® Visitor window without looking up each visitor individually.

You can also check-in/check-out all visitors within that group as one action instead of individually.

The simplest way of searching for an existing group to edit is to use the group list that is displayed at the left-hand side of the Visitor groups window. You can use the scroll bar to scroll through the list to find the correct group and then select it by clicking. The group list may be sorted in various ways and is not necessarily alphabetical. You must take this into account when searching for a group.

In the group's list, you will see all of the groups that are available in the database. In the Layout section of the ribbon, you can set the Look-up columns that are displayed in the group list.


Group Sorting

The group list is a so-called data grid showing all your available groups divided by columns. Sorting the groups is just as simple as clicking on the column.




Group Look Up

It is very simple to search for groups within the group list. Enter the text that you want to search for in the text box directly above the columns.






Loaded Record Information

In the footer of the group list the total amount of loaded records is shown.

You will notice that this method becomes less attractive if the list is very long and that you need a more directed manner of finding the correct data. Another option for finding groups is to use the Find section of the ribbon as mention in the following section.