Managing Credentials

CardExchange Solutions Documentation

Managing Credentials

Access Credentials:

Tap the ID button in the bottom navigation bar to navigate to the credentials section.

Request a Credential:

If you do not already have a credential, you will see the card type assigned to you, labeled as Request.

Click on the credential, and if you do not have a card yet, a Request Card button will appear.

After clicking the Request Card button, you will receive a notification confirming that your card request has been submitted. The card will then move into the production stages, where your organization will handle the printing process. For updates, contact your organization.









Card Activation:

Once your physical card is received, you may need to activate it, depending on your organization’s distribution and activation process. If your badge has not been activated, it will be in an Approved state.

To activate the card, click on the credential in the Approved state, then click the Activate button. After activation, you will be redirected to the credentials overview screen, where the card will now be shown as Activated.







Blocking a Credential:

Once activated, clicking on the credential will give you the option to Block it.

If you have lost your credential, block it immediately, then contact your organization to request a replacement card.

After blocking the card, it will be indicated as Blocked on the credential overview screen.





Reactivating a Credential:

If you blocked the credential by mistake or found your lost credential, you can reactivate it. Click on the Blocked credential, then click the Activate button to restore it.