Controller Field Settings

CardExchange Solutions Documentation

Controller Field Settings

Field settings offer the option to rename labels of Controller System data columns. This includes fields in Person details, credentials, profiles, and addresses.

Customizing Field Labels

Within the Controller, when adding a Person record, there are several Free Fields that are available to place data in. Sometimes, it is necessary to use these fields whenever you do not have a place to store certain information.

Here you can customize the labels, set the type of data, and set whether it is a required field.

Managing Custom Field Label

To add a Custom Field Label, click on the + button in the top right, indicated below.


In the box that appears on the right:

Select the proper attribute from the dropdown list, set the custom name for the Label, choose what format you would like the data to be in, and set whether the field is required or not. Click on Save to save your changes, or Cancel to discard your changes, and return to the Custom Label Field Overview.

  • Select the database column in the Attribute section

  • Enter the new Label Name to replace the existing column name

  • Select an optional Data Format to change how the field functions.

    • Checkbox: Turn the field into a checkbox field to enable or disable when modifying the record

    • Date - Specify the field as a date field. Date formatting will automatically be applied in the interface for that field.

    • Text - A standard text field

    • Incremental - Turn the field into an incrementing field with conditions

      • Digits - Force a certain number of digits to the number by padding the value until it meets the requirement.

      • Start Value - Set the number to start incrementing for all records when started.

      • Incremental Value - Set the difference the value should change by.

      • Conditions - Set the conditions that must be met for the field to use the incremental function

    • Random - A random number will be picked and set based on the number of digits set in the option.



Edit Custom Field Label

To edit a Custom Label Field, click on the Pencil icon to the right of the Label that you would like to edit, indicated below.


Change the values to your preferences.  Click on Save to save your changes, or Cancel to discard your changes, and return to the Custom Label Field Overview.

Delete Custom Field Label

To delete a Custom Label Field, click on the Red Trashcan icon to the right of the Label, indicated below.

Do note that deleting the Label will not delete any of the data that is contained in the associated field.

This will open a message box asking if you are sure you would like to delete the Label. Click on Yes to delete the Label, or click on No to cancel the delete operation, and return to the Custom Label Field Overview.