Controller General Options

CardExchange Solutions Documentation

Controller General Options



The Controller General Setup will have options for parts of the Controller software that may not fit into any other category defined. These General Behaviors offer quality-of-life improvements and essential rules for how the Controller interface handles functions.

Options to increase the operator workflow through production automation or default person data will help speed things up.

Personal Settings

Auto Generate Person Number - This option can be enabled if you want the system to assign a person number automatically.

Allow Duplicate Person Numbers - The Person Number is typically used to identify each record uniquely. Enabling this option will allow multiple records with the same Person Number when creating new Persons, editing existing ones, or importing via CSV or API.

Default Address Type - This will set the default address type preference for new Person records.

Default Profile - This will set the default Profile for new Person records.

General Settings

Hide Tooltips - Tooltips can be found around the software when hovering your mouse over a feature in CardExchange Controller.

Check import for Duplicates - When running an import, the system will check for duplicate Person records that already exist.

Expire Status beyond current Date

  • Automatically set the Card status to Expired if end date is beyond the current date

  • Automatically set the Profile status to Expired if end date is beyond the current date

Production Settings

The Production section of Controller can have automated settings to allow for faster issuance of cardholder credentials. Controller offers plenty of staging and checkpoints to customize your organization’s production workflow.

Automated Production Stages

Automatically transition cardholder credentials through the various print production stages when requirements are met.

  • Auto Approve To Production - Card credentials created that meet their approval requirements will be approved automatically and sent to the Print production section.

    • For Automated card credential options, see [Setup Credentials - Credential Settings] Credential Settings

  • Auto Approve To Activation - Card credentials printed will be automatically approved without the operator. Card is then sent to the Activate production section.

  • Auto Activate Credential - Cards approved will be automatically Activated. The last step in the card credential process.

Records to Display Under Create Tab

Persons with Profiles can be issued cards and become cardholders. These options set the conditions for when a Person with a Profile can be issued a new card.

  • Profiles With Blocked Credentials

  • Profiles With Expired Credentials

  • Profiles With No Credentials

  • Profiles With Withdrawn Credentials