Release notes for CardExchange Gateway
Table of Contents
Version (03-OCT-2019, Installer only)
- Bug fix: Added missing Zebra sdk files for ZC350 to the installer
Version (02-OCT-2019)
- Bug fix: The data-source plug-in for Controller CMS version 1 was giving bad-request errors as a result of the implementation of Anti CSRF tokens in the back end
- Bug fix: Added the Mysql.Data.DLL file to Designer, check when it's a MySQL.DateTime or an System.Int32 and send it to the right conversion method
- Bug fix: Solved issue with Zebra ZC350 USB Mifare encoding
- Improvement: Added aditional printers to the CardExchange.core project to be supported for Mifare encoding (Magicard 360 NEO (V2), Magicard Enduro NEO (V2), Magicard Pronto NEO (V2), Magicard Enduro3E (V2), PPC ID 3000 (V2), PPC ID 4000 (V2), Magicard 500 (V2), PPC RTP 7500w (V2), Zebra ZC300 USB Card Printer, Zebra ZC100 USB Card Printer)
Version (18-SEP-2019, Installer only)
- Bug fix: Fixed incorrect value in .net prerequisite check that caused an error installing .net 4.8 on Windows 10 build 1903
Version (17-SEP-2019, Installer only)
- Bug fix: Fixed error in installer where config utility would be called on uninstall
- Bug fix: Suppressed error message regarding connection string not being found when updating
Version (13-SEP-2019, Installer only)
- Bug fix: Added missing smart70.printer.dll
- Bug fix: Fixed issue in installer sequence regarding updating the config files
Version (12-SEP-2019)
- Improvement: Controller CMS 2 connector - Added the free fields to the person properties
- Improvement: Controller CMS 2 connector - Implemented storing photos for the persons table
- Improvement: Controller CMS 2 connector - Implemented storing photos for the production table
- New functionality: Updated Producer to work with Magicard 300 and 600
- Bug fix: Fixed issue with Rio Pro 360 and later driver versions
- Improvement: Controller CMS 2 connector - Added the profile name the production table
- Improvement: Controller CMS 2 connector - Make sure all production fields are also available for filtering
- Improvement: Controller CMS 2 connector - Added user-friendly names for the Controller CMS plug-in fields
- Bug fix: Fixed issues with SmartComm2.dll for IDP Smart 31 and 51 printers
- Bug fix: Updated Smart70 dll and fixed Mifare issues
- Improvement: Added embedded resource scardsyn.dll for Magicard
- Bug fix: Corrected Magicard printer names in printerlist.ini file
Version (29-AUG-2019)
- Improvement: Enable print upload using WMI only if has SerialNumber or changes
- Improvement: Change portal url to
- New functionality: Add movement command for Datacard XPS printers to move to Contact position
- Bug fix: Removed vPortal option from accounts setup dialog
- Bug fix: Corrected the reference to SentinelLicensing in GatewayExchange.Licensing
- Bug fix: Added a missing reference to Smart70.printer.dll
- Bug fix: Change to avoid overflow exceptions when closing CardExchange
- Bug fix: Improvements to Magicard SDK implementation to remove warnings
- Bug fix: The visibility of the manual-entry pane was not set in accordance with the manual-entry license
- Bug fix: Avoid null-reference exceptions when there is no mappings collection
- New Functionality: Added Contactless positioning support for SwiftPro K30 and K60
- Bug fix: When clicking the help file, it always showed the local file instead of the web site
- Bug fix: When choosing View - Restore view - Restore previous at the first start-up, the message "There is an error in XML document (0,0)." was shown
- Bug fix: Resolved issue with LATAM license validation
- Improvement: Controller CMS 2 connector - make sure that no photos are downloaded when the data-source plug-in retrieves the person list
- Improvement: Implemented automatic printing for the data-source plug-in
- Bug fix: Fixed a bug in the plug-in framework, which was not able to handle Guid-type keys
- Bug fix: When the login window for the Controller CMS 2 connector was invoked from the Database-setup wizard, a null-reference exception occurred
Version (17-JUL-2019)
- Improvement: Removed PhotoExchange from CardExchange Producer and Visitor
- Improvement: Moved hardcode URLS into app.config
- Improvement: Renamed a product reference in a variable name for application user in locking form
- Bug fix: Fixed “CRC or MAC does not match data or padding bytes are not valid” error when changing Desfire encryption to AES
- Bug fix: "Perform automatic face crop" radio button was available under photo options in Premium edition
- Improvement: Added a function to CardExchange.Config that allows for inserting the fingerprint friendly name into Sentinel Cloud configuration file
- New functionality: Enable upload of printer information for Producer
- Bug fix: Fixed issue when adding a Data Matrix GS1 barcode
- Bug fix: Fixed issue with Elatec readers Changing key Settings and creating applications
- Improvement: Updated Producer and Visitor splash screens
- Improvement: Upgraded .Net framework to version 4.8
- Bug fix: Fixed the PixelsPerDip warnings
- New functionality: Magnetic encoding implemented for Zebra ZC350
- New functionality: Mifare/desfire encoding implemented for Zebra ZC350 (USB only)
- Improvement: Added option if printer is not implemented in Printer Plugins, it will use GDI+ by default
- Improvement: Updated SentinelLicensing.dll to v10 to avoid issues with the installer
- Improvement: Made SentinelLicensing a project reference
- Improvement: Changed the CMS datasource plugin name to 'Controller CMS'. Only the text in the resource files was adapted
- Improvement: Set the referrer when calling the e-marketing system
- New functionality: Implemented LATAM validation
- New functionality: Added Twain support to Visitor
- Improvement: Updated icons for Printserver and Dispatcher
- Bug fix: Fixed issue with signature cropping using Topaz
- New functionality: Added support for inline encoding of contact smart cards (just card movements)
- Improvement: Changed Newtonsoft.Json references to NuGet packages
- Improvement: Replaced some twain exceptions with log file records to avoid unnecessary errors to be shown to the user
Version (01-MAY-2019, print server only)
- Bug fix: When running the print server, the database migration tool was not invoked. For a fresh installation, this would cause the print server to fail with the error message: "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source".
Version (02-APR-2019)
- Bug fix: Updated the printer plugin dlls to fix an issue with dual print stations on the IDP Smart 70
Version (27-MAR-2019)
- Bug fix: Loading Photo options caused unhandled exception with Canon EOS C++ wrapper
- New functionality: Implementation of an advanced setting to move the card into the contact position instead of contactless
Version (15-MAR-2019)
- Bug fix: Added dynamic linking to Canon SDK to avoid conflicts with photoexchange
- Improvement: Updated the ByteScout subscription and DLL
- Improvement: Updated IDP Smart 70 DLL on PrinterPlugins binaries and components folder
- Improvement: Removed the dependency on DefinitionExchange from CardExchangeDesigner
- Improvement: Updated DefinitionExchange to the .NET Framework 4.6.1
Version (04-Mar-2019)
- Improvement: MySQL DateTime improvements
- New functionality: Added support for both HID Prox H10302 and H10304
- Improvement: New CANON C++ Interface - App implementation
- Bug fix: Slow performance and timeouts when running with MySQL: Added indexes to MySQL
- Bug fix: Corrected issues with dimensions of Mifare wizard
- Bug fix: Mifare AES and Cyclic fixes
- Bug fix: Changed the ResetConnectionString from hardcoded path to a relative path
- Improvement: Changed label under print options -Print action for batch printing when image is not available
- New functionality: Added Canon EOS support to CardExchange Visitor
Version (30-Jan-2019)
- Bug fix: When importing a template with mappings made in the mappings window, those mappings get lost
- New functionality: Added support for Fargo printers to printer plugins using SDK
- Bug fix: MySQL date/time storage item always saves time as 12:00:00
- Bug fix: when the MySQL database or Maria DB has the date time not allowing null date time fields it gives an error message saying that the MySQL date time is different from the System.Date
- Bug fix: Incorrect message shown if required field is missing (was showing no cards have been printed)
- Bug fix: Removed Forum text from card templates created via the wizard
- Improvement: Elatec TWN4 Desfire implementation revision
Version Patch (08-Jan-2019)
- Improvement: Now, if a multi-value attribute does not have a section in the LDAPExchange.ini file, all values are concatenated to one long string
Version Patch (04-Jan-2019)
- Improvement: Added support for multi-value attributes to LDAPExchange
Version (04-Dec-2018)
- Bug fix: When printing without showing the designer's print dialog, the printer defaults were used, rather than the user's printing preferences
- Bug fix: Fixed an issue where CardExchange crashed after editing the card design
Version (19-Nov-2018)
- New functionality: Made the following features available in the Business edition: (.NET Functions, Advanced image mappings, Mapping of Card Preview, Control object properties by a script)
- Improvement: Improved the memory management when rendering WPF visuals as bitmaps
- Improvement: Updated SDKL print engine to support dual print stations on the IDP smart 70 (Requires driver update)
- Bug fix: Fixed a memory leak that prevented the designer window from being disposed after closing it
- Bug fix: Fixed a batch printing issues with the Nisca PR-C201
- Improvement: Improved error handling with Magicard Ultima when printer is still warming
- New functionality: Replaced the splash screens, logos and activation wizard images with the redesigned images
- Bug fix: When starting up, the error "Failed to compare two elements in the array. At least one object must implement IComparable." was shown and the application would close
- Improvement: Added the option to set the resolution when capturing photo from DirectShow
- Bug fix: Corrected the magnetic encoding sentinels for the Javelin DNA/Pointman Nuvia
Version (31-Oct-2018)
- Improvement: The scanned driver's license is now stored when adding or editing a person
- Bug fix: When deleting an event, also delete its associated actions
- Bug fix: Fixed a Kiosk issue that caused the visitor to change to somebody else during check-in
- Improvement: Directshow List of camera supported resolutions
- Bug fix: Fixed an issue with card feeding when Mifare encoding with the NBS Javelin DNA
- Improvement: Saving events with a large number of invitees no longer freezes the UI (which could eventually lead to a crash). Instead, a pop-up containing a responsive progress bar and status message appears that shows the save progress as the event is being saved
- Bug fix: Elatec Desfire readers now support communication mode Enciphered command
- Improvement: Added an image-manager class to avoid images being loaded into memory multiple times; added logic to release event handlers that were not being released
- Improvement: Improved image manager class using MemoryCache
- Bug fix: When a connection to the omniMANAGER was setup, using the data-source plug-in, but the login function failed, it was not possible to open the database setup anymore, for example to correct the URL or the login credentials.
- Bug fix: When the current-record index in the template was bigger than the number of records in the database table, the designer would not open and show the exception “Could not read data from […].” Was shown instead.
Version (10-Oct-2018)
- New functionality: Added contactless support for Magicard Ultima
- New functionality: Added contactless support for the same Magicard and PPC printers as defined in printer plugins
- Bug fix: Capturing/editing large photos causes CardExchange to crash every 5-20 captures
- Improvement: Replaced the splash screens with the redesigned images
- Improvement: Replaced all icons with the redesigned icons
- Improvement: Applied a short date format to date columns in the record list
- Improvement: Slightly increased the default size of the database setup window
- Improvement: Fixed some layout issues caused when resizing the database setup window
- Improvement: The Sentinel Unified API is now used to check the licenses for data-source plug-ins
- Bug fix: The GatewayExchange.Licensing settings were not being upgraded at startup, causing the eMarketing confirmation notification to be shown after every update
- Bug fix: The about window was using a problematic implementation of the GetMachineId() function
Version (21-Sep-2018)
- Improvement: Implemented filtering in the omniMANAGER data-source plug-in
- Bug fix: Added code to avoid escape sequences in folder where to look for canon eos sdk
Version (18-Sep-2018)
- Bug fix: Removed a reference to EDSDKEOS.dll from the InstallSgield installer package
CardExchange Producer
- New functionality: Added the omniMANAGER data-source plug-in
CardExchange Visitor
- Bug fix: When setting disabling ‘Keep aspect ratio’ for photos in the designer, resizing the image in the image editor resulted in a series of error messages “Cannot call Arrange on a UIElement with infinite size or NaN. Parent of type ‘Imaging.CropAdorner’ invokes the UIElement. Arrange called on element of type ‘System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.Thumb’.”
Version Beta (14-Sep-2018)
- Bug fix: Added code to movecard to contactless position for magicard
Version Beta (7-Sep-2018)
- Bug fix: SDKL improvements for IDP and magicard
Version Beta (6-Aug-2018)
- New functionality: IDP 70 implementation using sdkl plugins
- Improvement: Added black panel single bitmaps print to IDP-70 SDKL
- Bug fix: Fixed issue when contactless encoding and using laminator with the Smart 70
- Improvement: Updated Datacard SDK to the latest release
- Bug fix: Fixed issue when encoding only using Datacard SD series printers
- Bug fix: Fixed issue with dual sided printing on SD360 when contactess encoding
- Improvement: Updated translations to include missing strings
- New functionality: Canon EOS SDK 3.8 implementation
- Bug fix: When no printers were listed in the Printer-options window, clicking the Refresh button resulted in a argument-null exception: “Value cannot be null. Parameter name: value.”
Version (10-Jul-2018)
- Bug fix: When using a data-source plug-in with a Small Business edition, the license check for the plug-in looked for a stand-alone licenses instead of a networked one.
Version (04-Jul-2018)
- Bug fix: Added print namespace to rename ignore list in Dotfuscated project
Version (03-Jul-2018)
- Bug fix: Solved the issue of “The installed license codes are not valid” message when activating
Version (02-Jul-2018)
- Bug fix: Re-enabled the about window at start-up when running the evaluation
- Improvement: Updated the Magicard SDK files
Version (27-Jun-2018)
- Improvement: Removed the word Gateway from the application name.
- Improvement: Added support for contactless encoding on the Magicard Rio Pro 360.
- Improvement: Added support for GUIDs as primary key in MySQL databases.
- Bug fix: Solved the spooler crashes that occurred when printing with the Magicard Rio Pro 360.
- Bug fix: The first underscore in a manual-entry field was not shown in the manual-entry window.
- Bug fix: When connecting to the license server failed, the check for updates function in the about window would give the wrong error message.
Version (25-May-2018)
- Improvement: Added a message at startup asking the user if they wish to continue seeing articles in the Assist section.
- Improvement: Removed the Alias field from the activation/registration wizard.
CardExchange Visitor
- Improvement: Simplified the question dialog that asks whether the visitor´s personal data may be retained after check out.
- Bug fix: When clicking Finish in the registration wizard, a null-reference exception occurred.
- Bug fix: When canceling in the dialog that asks whether the visitor´s personal data may be retained after check out, the entire new-visitor dialog was canceled, rather than just the active dialog.
Version (23-May-2018)
- Improvement: Updated some settings for GDPR compliance so that the option for any marketing communication has to be unchecked by default, including option to receive notifications in the service center.
- Improvement: Added settings to disable a vertical to the configuration file and made them editable through the configuration tool.
- Bug fix: When adding a new user in the user-authorizations wizard, to was not possible to add the new password.
- Bug fix: When activating a cloud license at startup, the license was not downloaded, causing the license check to fail until the application was manually restarted.
CardExchange Producer
- Improvement: Added an advanced option to opt out for uploading printer data.
- Bug fix: When printing tp an IDP Smart 51 printer, the application crashed.
- Bug fix: Contactless encoding on the IDP Smart 51 did not work correctly.
Version (18-Apr-2018)
- Bug fix: When using network licenses, the error “The Unified API returned status code 210089.” Was shown twice at start-up, after which the Gateway showed with an empty main window.
Version (17-Apr-2018)
CardExchange Producer 10.2.x.33
- Bug fix: If background removal was switched on for images with the DPI set to zero, the error “Cannot call Arrange on a UIElement with infinite size or NaN. Parent of type ‘’ invokes the UIElement. Arrange called on element of type ‘System.Windows.Control.Image’.”
- Bug fix: When printing a large batch, the record list showed anomalous scrolling behavior during or after printing.
- Bug fix: The print-progress window did not scale correctly when the system font size was set to a value bigger than 100%.
- Bug fix: When in the database setup a storage item was set as “Store the card holder’s scanned OCR”, with a specific selection for the OCR field, re-opening the database setup caused the selection to get lost.
- Bug fix: When a database column name contained underscores, the first one was not shown in the corresponding label in the data-edit pane.
- Bug fix: When opening a template linked to the CardExchange® Visitor plugin in the designer from the print-server console, the error “Value cannot be null” was shown twice before opening the designer.
Version (18-Feb-2018)
- Improvement: Included many new translations.
- Improvement: Migrated to the .NET Framework 4.6.1.
CardExchange Producer
- Improvement: Replaced some icons in the Assist ribbon with the flat version that were already used in the designer.
CardExchange Visitor
- Bug fix: When Producer was disabled, no permission was granted to use the mag stripe in the designer.
Version (9-Feb-2017)
- Bug fix: Added a missing assembly redirect to the config file.
Version (5-Jan-2017)
CardExchange Producer
- Improvement: When creating a new template, to was not possible to use illegal file characters like the double quote in the template’s display name.
CardExchange Visitor
- New functionality: Make it possible to create a drop-down list based on the persons tables that shows the full name and can be filtered on credential type.
Version (22-Dec-2017)
CardExchange Producer
User authorizations
- Bug fix: When clicking Finish in the account setup-wizard, the error “The current vPortal limit of 0 has been exceeded. The following users will not be granted vPortal access: Admin.”
- Bug fix: It was not possible to create a new user with an empty password, because the Next button in the account-setup wizard was only enabled when the password was set. When trying to empty an existing password, the message “The password confirmation does not match the password. Please re-enter the new password in both text boxes.” was shown.
CardExchange Visitor
- Bug fix: When adding a new visitor, the exception “The operation failed: The relationship could not be changed because one or more of the foreign-key properties is non-nullable.” occurred.
Version (15-Dec-2017)
CardExchange Producer
- Improvement: Implemented printing through the SDK for the IDP Smart 70 printer.
- Improvement: Made the database-setup wizard resizable.
- Bug fix: When typing data in the search box above the name list, the name list was not actually filtered when the column header was different from the column name.
- Bug fix: When connecting to SQLite using a network path of the type “\\servername\...”, clicking Next on the first page of the database setup gave the error “Could not connect to […]. Unable to open database file.”
- Bug fix: In the GO edition, it was not possible to set an oversized card size in the page-setup window, if the printer driver did not list them. Since this was the case for the rebranded Matica XID 8300 retransfer printer, the oversized card size is added by the application for this specific printer.
CardExchange Visitor
- Bug fix: When checking in an incidental visitor with a required expiration date, the default expiration date was always one hour after the current date, rather than respecting the time intervals in the advanced options.
Version (23-Nov-2017)
Magnetic encoding
- Bug fix: After printing a card with magnetic encoding on a Datacard XPS Card Printer, a null-reference exception occurred.
- Bug fix: After printing a card with magnetic encoding to a printer for which contactless encoding was not supported, the exception “Contactless encoding is not supported for the xxx” occurred.
Contactless encoding
- Bug fix: When doing contactless encoding with a PC/SC reader whose handlers class had to be read from ReaderList.xml, encoding the card failed with the error “Error while encpding the card. A Mifare read or write operation failed. Could not logon to sector x. The method PCSC2Logon must be overridden.”.
- Bug fix: When clicking the Help button n the installation wizard, the message “Unable to Launch Quick Instal Guide” was displayed.
Version (22-Nov-2017)
- Bug fix: When an error occurred during the print process, the last line of the error message did not always show the correct information. Instead, it would read: “Could not find any resource appropriate for the specified culture or the neutral culture. Make sure “Printer.clsPrinter_strings.resources” was correctly embedded or linked into assembly “PrinterExchange” at compile time, or that all the satellite assemblies are loadable and fully signed.”
Version (20-Nov-2017)
- Bug fix: When taking a photo in CardExchange® Producer and storing it in the database, it was stored as PNG instead of Jpeg.
- Bug fix: When mapping a photo to a database field in the designer, using the option “extension included in source value”, the photo was always stored as PNG image if the extension was specified in uppercase.
Version (13-Nov-2017)
- Bug fix: When switching from a card with database connection to one without, the following error occurred: “Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source”.
- Bug fix: Some of the translations were not included in the installer.
Version (09-Nov-2017, patch DataExchange)
- Bug fix: When running the GO edition, an error was shown at start-up stating that there was no license to connect to SQLite.
Version (07-Nov-2017)
- Bug fix: The database initialization for upgrades and new installations required at least SQL Server 2016. For older versions, the exception “Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'IF'” was thrown.
CardExchange Producer
Four-clicks interface
- New functionality: Implemented the possibility to import and export data.
- New functionality: Added search and sort functionality to the card manager.
- Improvement: The column labels in the the data-edit window are now localizable.
- Improvement: Migrated the internal database to SQLite.
- Bug fix: Photos were always stopred as PNG image, no matter what the chosen file extension was.
- Bug fix: ( Opening a card without a database connection resulted in a null-reference exception.
- Bug fix: ( The modified-date storage items were not processed if they were only mapped in the designer.
- Bug fix: ( When accessing the Net2 Connector, the following exception occurred: “Could not connect to the database plug-in C:\Program Files (x86)\CardExchange Solutions\CardExchange Gateway\Net2Exchange.dll. Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information”.
Contactless encoding
- Improvement: When encoding MIFARE® Classic or DESFire, it is checked whether the chip-serial number read is different from the previously encpded card. If it isn’t, an exception is thrown to interrupt the batch.
CardExchange Visitor
- Improvement: Added translations for French, German, Spanish and Portuguese.
- Bug fix: Documents were not being printed in the Kiosk. Now, three options are offered: never print, always print at the end of the check-in or show a print button in the documents step. Documents are printed without electronic sigature due to a limitation of the third-party component used.
Version (19-Oct-2017)
CardExchange Producer
Four-clicks interface
- Bug fix: Disable showing the name-list check boxes for the GO edition, in which selection of multiple records is not allowed.
Contactless encoding
- Bug fix: Solved an issue that made the application crash when trying to print and encode on an IDP Smart 70 printer.
Version (18-Oct-2017)
CardExchange Producer
Four-clicks interface
- New functionality: Added an advanced option to enable showing check boxes in the name list for producer, in order to make the selection of multiple records easier.
- New functionality: Added the modification-date mapping type to the mappings window. When used on a storage item, the field is set to the system date when modifying or creating a record and rest to null when the record is printed. That makes it possible to filter on records that have been modified since the last they were printed.
- Improvement: Made the objects for selecting a fixed image more visual.
Database connectivity
- Bug fix: When connecting to an Excel 97-2003 Workbook (*.xls), the following error occurred: “Unexpected error from external database driver (1)”. This error was introduced by the security update of Windows 10 released on October 10th.
Contactless encoding
- New functionality: Check whether the printer is in an error state before moving a new card into the printer for Zebra ZXP 3, 7 and 8. This avoids that when the printer runs out of ribbon, it ejects an encoded card and prints another card without encoding it.
Version (05-Oct-2017)
- Bug fix: When setting a product status to Hidden in the about window, the License column showed the text “Activated” in green, rather than “Hidden” in read.
- Bug fix: When a product was disabled, the license of that product was still checked.
- Bug fix: The company logo for the selected article was not visible in the designer.
Configuration tool
- Bug fix: When selecting a SQLite dabase from a network path of the type \\servername\folder\..., starting the application caused the error “The underlying provider failed on Open. unable to open the database file”.
CardExchange Producer
Contactless/magnetic encoding
- Bug fix: When trying to encode a card, the following error occurred. “Error while printing the card. Could not move the card into encoder position. Object reference not set to an instance of an object.”.
Version (14-Sep-2017)
CardExchange Producer
Magnetic encoding
- New functionality: Support magnetic encoding on the IPD Smart-70 through the printer SDK.
- New functionality: Support magnetic encoding on the IPD Smart-51 through the printer SDK.
- New functionality: Support magnetic encoding on the EDIsecure DCP350 through the printer SDK.
Contactless encoding
- Bug fix: Solved the access-violation exceptions that occcurred on the Nisca PR-C151 when issues card-movements commands.
- Bug fix: When mapping an integer value to a BCD-type Mifare item, the exception “Could not set value of [...], System.Int64 is an illegal type for this action.” was thrown.
Version (30-Aug-2017)
CardExchange Producer
- Bug fix: When connecting to a DB2 table with a field of the type DB2Time, trying to save a template in the designer caused the error “Conversion from type ‘TimeSpan’ to type ‘String’ is not valid.”
Version (29-Aug-2017, official release)
- Improvement: In the about windows, the verticals can now be enabled, disabled and hidden. If they are disabled, which is the default value, the tab buttons in the main window are shown as disabled and cannot be clicked. To completely hide them, the vertical has to be set to hidden.
CardExchange Producer
- Bug fix: Solved some scaling issues on high-resolutions screens in the Mifare and DESFire wizard.
- Bug fix: When running in read-only mode, it was still possible to open the designer using F4.
- Bug fix: When running in read-only mode, the data definition was still saved when closing the application.
CardExchange Visitor
- New functionality: When creating a report, it is now possible to select the date range to which the report should apply.
Version (14-Aug-2017)
CardExchange Producer
- Bug fix: When connecting to a new database, the field order in the data-edit window was alphabetical, instead of maintaining the default field order of the database.
CardExchange Visitor
- Bug fix: When the creation/modification date was shown in the main window, it showed with a red error box on systems with a non-US date format.
- Bug fix: When using the E-seek DL scanner, the last-name and some other fields were missing and left “null” in the database.
- New functionality: Added a search boxes to the host-selection, record-selection and event-selection steps.
- New functionality: An audible alert can be configured that notifies whether a person checked in or failed to do so.
- Bug fix: When going to the host selection stage of the visitor registration in the kiosk, en invalid-operation exception occurs.
Version (31-Jul-2017)
CardExchange Producer
- New functionality: Added the possibility to add and delete people from the Persons table of the CardExchange® Visitor Connector.
- Bug fix: Added the option Nisca PR-C151 wait time to the advanced-options window. This setting can be increased to avoid access-violation exceptions when printing batches of cards.
CardExchange Visitor
- Bug fix: Purging visitors with a personal bar code could lead to the exception “Bar code already in use. Please supply another bar-code value.”
- Bug fix: The top-visitor report erroneously included employees and contractors, as well as visitors that never checked in.
- Bug fix: The label for the print-date column showed as “{PrintDate}” instead of “Print date”.
- Bug fix: The visitor credential was not added to a person when adding them to an event, and the person lists were not refreshed to reflect this.
- Bug fix: Refresh-data button and the automatic updates were not working correctly.
- Bug fix: The delete button for employees and contractors wasn't working.
- Bug fix: An InvalidOperationException occurred when selecting event at check-in time.
- New functionality: Implemented host selection for the Kiosk.
- Bug fix: When inserting a character in text box, the cusrsor jumped to the end of the text inbstead of preserving its position.
- Bug fix: After a person checked out on the Kiosk using the Not Pre-Registered assistant, subsequent uses of that assistant would always show the last page as check-out, even it was for a check-in.
- Bug fix: The Kiosk message box buttons were pushed off screen if the inner exception was too long.
Version (20-Jul-2017)
- Improvement: Hide the gray tab bar on the bottom of the main window if only Producer is active.
- Bug fix: If only CardExchange® Visitor was enabled, the Kiosk splash screen was shown, instead of the Visitor splash screen.
- Bug fix: Changes in the brightness or contrast of an image were not saved when closing the image editor.
- Bug fix: After starting the Gateway for the first time, enabling a vertical in the about window and activating that vertical, the product details were not updated and still showed the controls for ordering a license.
CardExchange Producer
- New functionality: Added the Persons table to the CardExchange® Visitor Connector.
- Bug fix: The LDAP and Net2 Connectors, as well as the print server and the dispatcher, were still checking the license codes for CardExchange® Producer version 9.
CardExchange Visitor
- Improvement: Added a default template for the employees credential type.
- Bug fix: When setting a different badge template for each vertical, the badge printed correctly, but when the Gateway was restarted the badge type for all verticals reverted back to that of the last selected vertical.
- Bug fix: When adding a new visitor, checking him in and assigning a bar code, the exception "An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details. Constraint failed. UNIQUE constraint failed: tblGateway_Action_Types.ID” occurred
- Bug fix: When selecting a host for an incidental check-in, the host-selection window also showed people without the credential permissions for being a host.